rapt giftwrap

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Welcome 2024

May the coming year be filled with fun times with friends and family, good stories read and lived adventure and continued learning on how we can live more sustainable lives. If you’d like to make Rapt reusable gift wrap part of your New Year’s resolutions let us know! We’d love to hear from you. 

We try not to make the perfect the enemy of the good. Rapt is one way to reduce your waste. There are lots of other ways as well. We are not perfect but are working to continue to make small changes in our daily lives. I thought it might be interesting to share a few changes I’ve made personally this past year that are saving our household resources, money and energy: 

  1. I bought a stack of handkerchiefs and put them next to the tissue boxes around the house. I now reach regularly for them instead of tissues, and they go into the wash

  2. I cut up an old towel and put the pieces next to the paper towel. I reach for those to clean up all the messes, and they go into the wash. I do still use paper towels to clean out the sink - especially if I have been handling chicken.

  3. I completely stopped buying paper napkins and use cloth ones that go into the wash

  4. I refilled my laundry detergent at a local store using the same jug all year. The brand is super concentrated, so I only need to use a little. The jug lasts for months! I think I’ve filled it 2 or 3 times this year. 

  5. I hang most of my clothes to dry and only use the dryer for a short bit to get out the wrinkles (admittedly, I have space in a basement to have a clothesline which is a luxury) Also, I still use the dryer for towels. They are too stiff and scratchy if dried on the line. Mention Good Filling 

  6. I hardly ever use Saran or plastic cling-wrap. I use glass pyrex with lids and mason jars to store leftovers and use those silicone flower bowl covers instead of plastic. I love them. I think I’ve had the same box of Saran for 5 years and rarely use it. I do use foil for food on the go (car and plane trips - though TSA doesn’t always like it)

  7. In the vein of making changes in the home, one of my resolutions for 2024 is to stop buying containers of cold brew and drink the cold brew made at home. I have no excuse!! My husband makes it and everyone seems to like it! I’ll report back …

Do you have sustainable changes you’ve made? Please share your ideas with us so we can all learn. Thanks to all of you for following along and may 2024 be a joy-filled year ahead! 

All the best,
Monica + Cindy