What goes around

The number one question we get is, “Can I take it back?”  What people mean by that is, “When I give someone a present wrapped in Rapt, is it ok to take the wrapping back so I can use it again myself?” We love this question because it makes us smile and also because it means people really like the product (Shades of Sally Field accepting her Oscar award with “You like me!!” IYKYK)

It makes us smile because it’s kind of an awkward question to answer. Do you take back the bag you put your present in? The wrapping paper from a gift? The ribbon or bow? What’s your relationship to the person? Will they be insulted? Will it seem rude? See what I mean? It can be delicate. My typical answer is that it depends on the relationship. If you don’t think the person will use it, absolutely take it back. If there’s a chance they’ll use it, let them keep it. Or go ahead and ask them if they would use it. Can’t hurt. And you may get a new convert. And then tell them you’d like it back on your birthday! : ) 

It would be wonderful if we all gave presents in reusable gift wrap. Imagine the garbage we would save! Also, after a bit we would all have a collection of sheets to pass back and forth among friends and family.  There would be no need to buy wrapping paper anymore! The sheets would be in circulation and a kind of “circular economy” would be created. We will keep going and keep hoping!

cindy estes